Written for Culture Wars More than any other theatrical medium, puppetry has the ability to shatter the boundaries of possibility. A well-ma...

Written for Culture Wars More than any other theatrical medium, puppetry has the ability to shatter the boundaries of possibility. A well-ma...
Written for Whats On Stage On the 4th of May 1969, David Oluwale’s badly beaten body was heaved out of the River Aire. An immigrant from Lag...
Written for WhatsOnStage.com Studio-based theatre, for so long the preserve of the frivolous and the makeshift, has truly come of age, burst...
A new Guardian Theatre Blog post here . Not sure, how this one will go down, but we'll see. In the meantime, I seem to have (almost) fou...
Written for Culture Wars Has evolution led to this? A dinner date so tremulous that it makes one long for the good old days of hunter-gather...
Written for Culture Wars In form, Enda Walsh’s latest is almost the exact mirror image of his previous play, The Walworth Farce . While the ...
Written for Culture Wars Looming large for any abstract investigation of gender are the dangers of stereotyping. After all, in taking malene...
Written for The Stage If ever a play had its finger on the pulse, it is Jane Bodie’s wry funeral parlour comedy. From Alexandra Burke to rec...
Just as violence begets violence, criticism has this week spun itself into a cyclone in a teacup over Plague Over England. Usually, I despis...
What with the flurry of debate that has spilt from our stages and dominated the Guardian Theatre Blog , it seems to me that the attempted ac...