Nathan’s fifteen. He’s a mop-haired gangle in a polo skirt and a sleeveless sweater, patterned with the faint nostalgia of knitwear. There i...

Nathan’s fifteen. He’s a mop-haired gangle in a polo skirt and a sleeveless sweater, patterned with the faint nostalgia of knitwear. There i...
Written for Time Out William Shakespeare, John Lennon, Jesus Christ, Richard Curtis – can you hear me, Richard Curtis? Your poetic notions o...
Written for Time Out The Sanctuary Lamp is not the incendiary device it once was. Thirty-five years after its Dublin premiere drew angry acc...
Written for Time Out Originally a centrepiece of Liverpool’s Capital of Culture celebrations, Phil Willmott’s misty-eyed Merseyside musical ...
Written for Culture Wars Lone Twin’s is a trilogy marked by anomalies. While threads can be drawn between two of the pieces, one always juts...
Last week, David Edgar wrote political theatre a clean bill of health in The Observer , focussing all his energies on new writing. In it, Ed...
Written for Culture Wars You can tell the measure of a Measure by the way it treats its prisoners. In 2004, Complicité’s Claudio – dressed ...