Written for Culture Wars At base, what else are we but self-conscious beings clinging onto a chunk of matter as it hurtles through space? Th...

Written for Culture Wars At base, what else are we but self-conscious beings clinging onto a chunk of matter as it hurtles through space? Th...
Written for Culture Wars To air one’s dirty laundry is, of course, to clean the skeletons from one’s closet, but washing machines and osteol...
Written for Culture Wars Place any mechanized object on the stage and you immediately beg questions about the nature of performance. That Sa...
Written for Culture Wars Rehearsal room philosophizing can be tricky. With the shared language and history of a process, particularly with d...
Written for Culture Wars Productivity must be rather difficult when your place of work is a metaphor, so spare a thought of the two pen-push...
Written for Culture Wars Edgar Allen Poe’s writing chills. His most famous images – the immovable Raven that moves from oddity to irritant ...
Written for Time Out Portraits of JM Barrie inevitably draw too heavily on Peter Pan, as if the man behind the boy who never grew up can onl...
Written for Time Out Seeking forgotten fineries in the library, Andy Brunskill has surfaced with Black Chiffon , a play more moth-eathen tha...
Written for Culture Wars In 1828, Kaspar Hauser turned up in a town square in Nurnberg claiming to have been raised in isolation in a darken...
An edited version of this review appeared in Time Out Feminism has come a long way since Nora first slammed the door on the toy world of her...
Written for Culture Wars The trouble with sport-based narratives is that, after all the sweat and tears, they only have two options – win or...