Written for Culture Wars In the past, Action Hero have miniaturised the big screen Western and the stadium daredevil. On one level, Frontman...

Written for Culture Wars In the past, Action Hero have miniaturised the big screen Western and the stadium daredevil. On one level, Frontman...
Written for Time Out Written in 1603, as Shakespeare worked on Measure for Measure , The Malcontent sees a leader smuggle himself into the ...
Like a Mike Leigh play with laughter lines where furrowed brows should be, The Kitchen Sink marks Tom Wells out as an extraordinary young w...
Written for Culture Wars Matilda ’s got its own Spiderman in the first five minutes: a spoilt brat in crude, homemade fancy dress. The RSC’s...
Written for Culture Wars London was still burning when Nicolas Kent proposed that writer Gillian Slovo assemble a verbatim piece on the subj...
Written for Culture Wars Reasons to be Pretty offers none. Early on, in fact, it looks like an errant ‘r’ has snuck into its title. Reasons...
Written for Culture Wars There is a sirensong quality to this watery devised piece from Shaky Isles Theatre – a London-based company with st...
Written for Culture Wars Eroded by dementia, Iola’s mind has lost its sharpness in the same way as the pebbles she collects from the beaches...
Written for Culture Wars Anthony Weigh has distilled Federico García Lorca’s ‘tragic poem’ into a litany of the life-cycle. It hammers away,...
Written for Time Out If a hermit falls over, does he make a noise?' That's more or less the question asked by James Saunders's 1...
Written for Culture Wars The tipple of choice at Helge Klingenfeldt-Hansen’s 60th birthday party is a glass of bitters. Appropriate indeed f...
It’s the mental state of Denmark we should be worried about in Ian Rickson’s concept-heavy Hamlet , which places Michael Sheen’s long-awaite...
Written for Culture Wars Roadkill sears itself onto your conscience. It is a desperate and anguished scream that refuses to recede quietly,...
Written for Culture Wars Another day, another ethically complex play about our relationship with African nations. Perhaps even more than The...
Written for Time Out This fragile two-hander - as delicate and devastating as anything on the London stage right now - glistens with hope. T...
Written for Whatsonstage Lizzie Nunnery’s taut and terse two-hander defies black and white thinking. Like the best drama, it presents an eth...
Written for Time Out Something's not right when a programme is more enjoyable than the show it's supposed to supplement. It suggests...