Simon Stephens wrote Sea Wall and T5 independently of one another: the first for the Bush’s Broken Space season in 2008, the second had be...

Simon Stephens wrote Sea Wall and T5 independently of one another: the first for the Bush’s Broken Space season in 2008, the second had be...
Written for Time Out There’s enough plot in Dangerous Lady to warrant arrest under the Terrorism Act. It's got births, deaths and hospi...
Written for Culture Wars A friend told me recently about David Eagleman’s Sum , as a trade for my recommendation of Italo Calvino’s Invisibl...
Written for Culture Wars What’s particularly great about Nicholas Pierpan’s latest play is the way it entirely inhabits its subject. New wri...
Written for Time Out After nine years, The Sticking Place's annual fright fest has become a shadow of its former self. This year's l...
Written for Culture Wars In science, dissociation involves splitting molecules into their component parts: an individual object blasted apar...
Written for Culture Wars Drama hates waste. Or rather, it hates extraneity. Maybe all stories do, the idea being that anything superfluous t...
Written for Culture Wars Malvolio, a fictional character no less, has made me feel genuine remorse. That’s curious. It’s like grieving for B...
Written for Time Out Gilbert and Sullivan catch a serious case of the jitterbug in David H. Bell and Rob Bowman’s 1986 adaptation of their c...
Written for Time Out The titular anti-heroes of Max Frisch's well-known 1958 play, The Fire Raisers , are destructive strangers, who tur...
Written for Culture Wars “ In my experience the newspapers are a combination of what people never meant, combined with what people never sai...
Written for Culture Wars After Cock , comes Lungs . Duncan Macmillan’s cleverly intricate two-hander shares more than just a corporeal title...
Written for With Union Jacks still billowing around the country, the Menier Chocolate Factory has exploited the current vog...