Yet there is also a sense of flirtation about the booklet. Just as the Mayfly embraces its single day with a flurry of excitement, so too does the Fringe Programme. It titillates: a brightly coloured peacock in a permanent state of courtship; a siren that drags you six hours off course into another sunless summer. And it teases. By the time it bursts through your letterbox, you’ve already waited for two, maybe three days, because, like your one friend that exists half an hour behind the world, lagging permanently in the past, the brochure is always behind its own schedule. It never arrives as promised. Does it apologize? Not a murmur. It sits arrogantly perched on a kitchen surface, awaiting your return from wherever your day has taken you, as if to say, “I’ve been here all day. Where have you been?”
Even as you read, it teases further. Through its multitude of forty word blurbs, it reveals just enough to whet your appetite, all the while remaining aware that you cannot yet enjoy its promised delights. It is a mere menu, looking forward to a distant one-hundred course banquet. Yet, for want of anything real to eat, we devour its words, building up a hunger so strong that the journey across the country is consumed by thoughts of that which is to come.
Anyway, enough pretentious preamble. Even though every publication has beaten me in pronouncing its tips for the Fringe, here follow mine. Some may receive justification; others are irrational stabs in the dark. Some are deliberately polemical. None are in any particular order. I’ve probably missed the show that will define my festival and therein is the joy of the fringe programme – namely, that description, marketing speak, past-reviews, clichés, reputations and titles cannot come close to performance itself.
If That’s All There Is – Inspector Sands [Traverse Theatre, Aug 18-30, times vary]
Having only caught up with Hysteria a couple of months ago (a mere three years after its original Fringe outing), I am desperate to see Inspector Sands’ latest. I caught the briefest of glimpses of If That’s All There Is – now described as “a mini-epic of longing, disappointment and psychobabble” – at the Lyric Studio almost two years ago and it promised to be a bizarre parade of social anomalies. I have a vague recollection of a bulbous butterfly obsessive and, of course, Peggy Lee.
Sea Wall by Simon Stephens [Traverse Theatre, Aug 6-16, times vary]
I first saw this as part of The Bush’s Broken Space Season in October and, while I struggled to keep pace, it is a monologue with a raw, elemental power and an intriguing urgency. Almost mystical. Definitely one that I’m looking forward to seeing anew, rather than seeing to recall.
6.0: How Heap and Pebble Took on the World and Won – Dancing Brick [Pleasance Dome, Aug 5-31, 19.10]
A clowning piece with the simplest of ideas at its core – ice-dancing without ice – from Total Theatre nominees, Dancing Brick. Two hugely strong performers with a deft lightness of touch and, having seen a BAC scratch recently, I’m hopeful that this will come together nicely.
The Devoured – BADAC Theatre [Pleasance Courtyard, Aug 5-31, 13.45]
After The Factory last year, BADAC have made themselves a must-see Fringe company, largely because no one split the audience across quite such a chasm. Personally, I found The Factory to be one of the most ill-considered and offensive pieces I’ve ever encountered, but I’m keen to see what they do next.
Anna & Katy [Pleasance Courtyard, Aug 5-31 , 18.40]
For the past two years, I have scoured my programme for anything resembling a Penny Spubb’s Party. Tremendously glad that Mss Wix and Crilly have returned. As quotably surreal as any comedy I’ve seen.
Foot-Washing for the Sole – Adrian Howells [ The Arches, Aug 25-29, throughout the day]
In A Thousand Pieces – The Paper Birds [Pleasance Courtyard, Aug 23-31, 16.00]
A beautiful and serene piece about sex-trafficking. Simultaneously robust and fragile. The Paper Birds’ coming-of-age show.
The Overcoat – Gecko [Pleasance Courtyard, Aug 13-31, 17.20]
I five-starred this earlier in the year and felt somewhat adrift of critical consensus, but I’d still back it all the way. Will be interesting to see what happens in a smaller space with less grandeur.
Kursk – Sound & Fury [Drill Hall, Aug 20-29, 22.30]
Saw this last Saturday at The Young Vic and loved it. Exciting, tender and very, very human.
Mind Out – Stationhouse Opera [C Venues, Aug 23-30, 12.00]
I’d like a second bite at this one, in spite of my initial reservations about it.
Tim Key – The Slutcracker [Pleasance Courtyard, Aug 5-31, 21.50]
Rhys Darby – It’s Rhys Darby Night [Udderbelly, Aug 6-15, 22.00]
Have been a Darby fan since I first saw his sonic stand-up (Buzz Aldrin’s post-moon depression), well before I’d even heard of the Conchords.
Trilogy – Nic Green [The Arches, Aug 9-31, 19.30]
Subject to raves from a variety of sources and I missed it at Burst, so I’m desperate to catch it this time around.
Sweet – Chotto Ookii [C Venues, Aug 5-31, 15.15]
I’ve been surprised that Chotto Ookii’s new piece has crept under the radar this year. They picked up Best Newcomer Total Theatre Award a few years back with a gorgeous piece called And Even My Goldfish, about which I now remember little more than a hover and orange ribbon. There’s more than a touch of Inspector Sands about them.
Beachy Head – Analogue [Pleasance Dome, Aug 5-31, 17.25]
Because I regret missing out on Mile End two years ago and grainy youtube clips can’t really compare. Besides any young company content to spend two years building a show has got the right attitude in my book.
The Doubtful Guest – Hoipolloi [Traverse Theatre, Aug 18-30, times vary]
The Fall Of Man – Red Shift [Pleasance Courtyard, Aug 7-30, 14.45]
Kim Noble Will Die – Kim Noble [Assembly Rooms, Aug 25-30, 18.20]
There can’t be many stand up comedians that can nestle into the Spill Festival programme and, having read Dominic Maxwell’s review for The Times, I am itching to see the man. But I won’t be there by the time he arrives. Shit.
David O’Doh-Party – David O’Doherty [Pleasance Courtyard, Aug 5-31, 22.30]
The Interminable Suicide of Gregory Church – Daniel Kitson [Traverse, Aug 6-30, 22.15]
If You’d Prefer a Milder Comedian, Please Ask For One - Stewart Lee [The Stand, Aug 5-30, times vary]
Because it simply wouldn’t be Edinburgh without O’Doherty, Kitson and Lee.
Jonny Sweet: Mostly About Arthur [Pleasance Courtyard, Aug 5-30, 16.45]
Emerging comedian with one of the funniest personas I’ve ever seen. Half-camp, half-devilish.
Internal – Ontroerend Goed [Traverse, Aug 5-30, throughout the day]
Despite my muted reaction to Under the Influence, Ontroerend Goed remain a must-see company. They are tearing at the seams of theatre and, with such exhaustive output, could blossom into a new Forced Entertainment or Wooster Group.
Iris Brunette – Melanie Wilson [University of Edinburgh Medical School, Aug 22-30, 18.00 / 21.00]
Barflies – Grid Iron [Traverse @ The Barony, Aug 7-31, 15.00]
Hard-Hearted Hannah and Other Stories – Carton de Salvo [Theatre Workshop, Aug 24-29, 18.15]
All by artists that I haven’t had the chance to see, but have heard wonderful things about.
Hans Teeweun [Udderbelly, Aug 13-15, 26-28, 22.35]
Because Brian Logan raves and raves and raves about this man/god.
The Hotel – The Invisible Dot [Assembly Rooms, Aug 5-31, 16.15]
Stefan Golaszewski is a Widower – Stefan Golaszewski [Traverse, Aug 6-30, times vary]
Party - The Invisible Dot [Assembly Rooms, Aug 6-31, 14.25]
The comedians are taking over the theatre. Mark Watson and Cowards Stefan Golazewski and Tom Basden are driving forces, with Katy Wix, Jonny Sweet, Tim Key and Anna Crilly (a selection of my favourite Fringe people) joining in.
Orphans by Dennis Kelly – Birmingham Rep / Paines Plough [Traverse, Aug 8-30, times vary]
Love the darkness of Kelly’s writing. Recently binged on Pulling over a weekend (which sounds far more exciting than a few hours on a sofa) and the whole programme stinks of his sensibilities.
Hugh Hughes in...360 – Hoipolloi [Pleasance Courtyard, Aug 5-31, 19.05]
Interesting to see that everyone’s favourite emerging artist from Wales has plomped himself in the comedy listings this year. I loved Story of a Rabbit two years ago and enjoyed, but wasn’t overwhelmed by Floating. Part of me adores him, the other part isn’t totally convinced by his total adoption of a character.
Home of the Wriggler – Stan’s Cafe [Underbelly, Aug 16-30, 12.00]
Stan’s Cafe have found the perfect home for this flickering show. Wish I had waited to see it glowing precariously in the damp gloom of the Underbelly’s vaults.
My Life With the Dogs – New International Encounter [Pleasance Courtyard, Aug 5-31, 17.30]
Its been almost two years since I saw this at the BAC and I’m hopeful that they’ve really re-invigorated it. Desperately missed the mischief of Tomas Mechacek at the time, but I’m sure the piece will have been thrown against the wall, smashed and sellotaped back together in sturdier form.
Frisky and Mannish’s School of Pop – Frisky and Mannish [Underbelly, Aug 5-30, 21.00]
Brilliant “twisted pop” from an fast up and coming comedy-caberet duo. By way of example:
But mainly, the entirety of the Forest Fringe programme, which you won’t find in your Fringe brochure, of course. It contains some amazing artists, both established and emerging, and for me is the heart of a festival that it doesn’t even belong to. Look out for the Bristol Weekender (featuring Action Hero and The Special Guests), Third Angel, Rotazaza, Coney, Hide&Seek, Improbable, Lucy Ellinson, Tinned Fingers, Little Bulb Theatre (as resident company) and, making possibly the briefest appearances in Edinburgh of the entire festival, Present Attempt.
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