written for Culture Wars Having scooped themselves a Fringe First and a Total Theatre Award last year with the manic and moving Crocosmia ,...

written for Culture Wars Having scooped themselves a Fringe First and a Total Theatre Award last year with the manic and moving Crocosmia ,...
Written for Culture Wars Not so long ago Second Life was just that: a layer of fiction, leisurely escapism. Now, according to Paul Charlton,...
Written for Culture Wars “The pain has got to be there; I’m not interested in provocation.” Well, that pain certainly makes its presence kno...
Just thought I'd flag up this little blog for The Stage about the sort of shows that fly under the radar within the fast-paced culture ...
Written for Culture Wars At its very pinnacle, art has the ability to make criticism redundant. Trilogy does just that. It is so important, ...
Written for Culture Wars Internal is carnivorous. It preys upon its audience, feasting on our individual characters before spitting us out i...
Written for Culture Wars “It’s going to be the biggest campaign ever”, enthuses Lucy Foster, a self-proclaimed revolutionary. It’s going to ...
Written for Culture Wars How Precarious , of all people, can bemoan our addiction to all things mediatised is utterly beyond me. In Anomie ,...
Written for Culture Wars Helen and Danny have just sat down to a celebratory dinner and in walks Liam, his T-shirt sodden with blood, his ey...
Written for Culture Wars At last year's festival, Le Navet Bete picked up a Total Theatre nomination for Serendipity. Zemblanity, anothe...
Written for The Stage For eight long months, Oscar-winning screenwriter Chester James has been manning an emergency food reserve 1,000 miles...
Written for Culture Wars With summers hotting up and polar ice-caps melting down, Dancing Brick ask us to spare a thought for the world’s f...
Written for Culture Wars A bearded Victorian figure in a top-hat, overcoat tails swishing behind him, strides along a road. From a pocket of...
Written for Culture Wars Step into the oaky musk of the Barony Bar, where Grid Iron serve up their latest site-sympathetic offering, and you...
Written for Culture Wars If you have even a single, solitary brain cell, its best to avoid Stand By Your Van at all costs. Inspired by Ameri...
Written for Culture Wars With their blend of whimsy and wide-eyed wonder, no one else could pull off Hugh Hughes’ performance lectures. Such...
Written for Culture Wars You expect wheezing accordions and battered suitcases of New International Encounter , not bass guitars and megapho...
Standing out from a crowd of 2,098 is not easy. For the next month, however, it will become a necessity for each individual show under the u...
I'm not there yet. In fact, there's a whole eight hours of day job ahead of me. Not to mention the four hours of languidly paced tra...