Written for Culture Wars Q: How many consultants does it take to change a light bulb? A: What’s your budget? That’s more of less the jist of...

Written for Culture Wars Q: How many consultants does it take to change a light bulb? A: What’s your budget? That’s more of less the jist of...
Written for Time Out For the son lugging around his father's corpse like Mother Courage's cart, death becomes a rite of passage in L...
Written for Time Out What does it mean to escape an unjust death sentence? In spite of the hardships, which range from rape to the botched e...
Written for Culture Wars She stands there, at the end of the corridor, with a camera hanging from her neck, staring out at us. “I can see yo...
Written for Time Out 'Hello! Is anyone there?' asks the very ordinary Earl Hunt, having found a business card for the Hope and Trust...
The Big Society has its first theatrical talisman in Vivienne Franzmann’s Mogadishu and – here’s the kicker – it hasn’t a single solution t...
Written for Time Out Feudalism is alive and well according to Caryl Churchill’s serf and turf play not seen in London for 27 years. In a ser...
For those coming to Kneehigh’s work late in the day and left, like me, wondering what all the fuss is about, The Red Shoes is a chance to c...
Written for Time Out A sometime collaborator with Beckett, Heiner Müller and Phillip Glass, Gerald Thomas gave up on theatre in 2009. 'I...
Written for Culture Wars Nothing puts butterflies into the stomach like the prospect of a strange meal in an unfamiliar setting. Perhaps it’...