Breaking News
Monday, June 21, 2010

Info Post
Like many an MP, I'm getting a second home. For the next few weeks, I'll be blogging my way through the London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT) over at their website for the British Council and the festival itself.

The aim, just like Andy Field's blog alongside the British Council's Connected programme in Tokyo, is to stir up dialogue around the LIFT programme, which kicks off in earnest on Wednesday and runs until 18th July. As festivals go, it looks like an especially exciting one and I'm sure it will throw up some fascinating issues, particularly around the incorporation of digital principles into theatre.

So, basically, pop over and have a look at the LIFT blog. There are some great titbits there already. Think of it not as a series of articles and notes, but as a space for discussion and dialogue. Without engagement, its just me sounding off into another dusty corner of the internet, so, as always, feel free - no, feel duty-bound - to comment and polemicize.


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